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Results of the brochure check:
Green rows have been checked and deemed correct.
Red rows have issues as described in the notes at the end of the row.
White rows....we're still waiting.

There is a list of the email addresses of people who have yet to check at the bottom of the page.
So far 2 people have checked, we are waiting on 166 people.
There are 0 people who have reported errors.
Paul Adams
Guy Allen
Fuff Allen
Christine Allman BA.MA
Kate Allsop
Tricia Arnold
Carolyn Ash
Lesley Ash
Callisto Azura
Gill Baguley
Elaine Banham
Jeremy Bevan
Alex Boardman
Katrine Boldero
Alison Bradley Mason
Bob Brandt
Helen Breach
Ruth Brumby
Gabriella Buckingham
Tim Burdett
Joanna Burdett
Holly Mai Burton
Denise Canderton
Suzanne Chisnell BA hons Dip LA CMLI rtd EAGMA
Antonia Clare
Philippa Clarke
Lynne Clarke
Terrie Clifft
Ian Clifft
Joy Cole
Jo Colman
Ros Copping MA BA (hons) PGCE
Kay Corbett
Johanne Couldrey
Tom Crisp
Bob Crook
Jill D D Smith
Nell Dalton
Michelle Daniels
Jenny Davies
Gloria Davis
Stephen Dell
Jan Dingle
Chrissy Dobson
Robert Downie
Robert Downie
Cherrill Edgington
Nicholas Elliott
Antje Ernestus
Dee Evans
Steph Evans-Jones
Ros Fereday
Anne Filgate
Elizabeth Fitzgerald Carter - Artist
Connie Flynn
Wayne Ford
Rozzi Freeman
Kate Gabriel
Carol Gibbons
Flora Grant
Carole Griffin RBA
Bob Grimble
Rick Hadfield
Victoria Hall
Hannah Hardy
Leslie Hawkes Nockels
Louise Heller
Pia Henderson
Alison Henry
Thea Hickling
Jill Hill
Jo Hillam
Caroline Houchell
Angela Hunter MA
Liz James MA Fine Art
Josephine Johnson
Kate Johnston
Sue Johnston
Jan Kevlin
Bryony Knight
Martin Kurrein
Susanne Lakin
Ann Lamb
Mavis Lambert
Naomi Langford
Vince Laws
Tony Lee
Steven Levitt
Brian Lewis
Chrissie Lines
Rob Linge
Keri Lowe Ms
Angie Maddigan
Norfolk Makrs
Berni Marfleet
Lyn May
Helen McConnell
Tess Meadows
Bee Millar
Amelia Mills
Sue Monteath
Kurt Moore
Jonathan Moore
Jo Moss
Tricia Moss
Toby Newman
Mary Newton
Belinda Opie
Stephen Parry
Nigel Paterson
Mary Pattinson
Linda Pattrick RCA
Karen Pearson
Carolyn Penney
Deborah Phillips
Ricardo Pimentel
Joy Pitts
Jo Pluckrose
Kit Price Moss MA
Rosy Prue
Rachel Reid
Vanda Richards
Mary Richardson
John Richter
Barbara Robins
Sheila Robinson B.A, M.A, PGCE
Tracey Ross
Bruce Rushin
Melanie Sadler
Joannie Sandford-Cook
Lisa Saville
Michael Scott
Natalie Scurll
Don Seed
Kathryn Shapcott
Belynda Sharples
Libby Sheldon
Gillian Simmons
Maggie Simmons
Carol Ann Taylor
Annie Tempest
Rachel Thomas
Zena Tooze
Corrin Tulk MA
Rosamond Ulph