Debbie Osborn
07941 783207

What can I tell you about me? I have always loved art. My earliest memories are of sitting on my Dad’s lap and him drawing pictures for me. When I was at school I loved doing projects because they involved doing illustrations, and obviously I loved my art lessons. When I started work, most my days off were spent doing art.
Then life happened and I got married and art was no longer a priority. After a while I found myself unable to work through ill health and amazingly this changed my life for the better as I was able to go back to college part time and do an access to art and design foundation course and this started me off afresh on a journey of discovery to where I am now.
Art is a priority for me now, I wouldn’t want to do anything else. Constantly learning and developing my own techniques, I visit art shows and university degree shows to be inspired by them because I like to keep my work fresh.
I make art firstly for me, not initially to sell or for validation, just for me, although it is for sale and it is rewarding when people buy my work.
I spend most of my time making things, painting things, and feeding myself with visual stimulation, eg: reading books or looking at other people's art.
I am also a mail artist and I create and exchange mail art with other mail artists across the world. This work can be seen on my Mailmaker blog. I also write letters and send postcards all over the world, I love sending and receiving letters.
People who love what they do inspire me, my letters inspire me and I want to inspire people with my enthusiasm for what I do.
I hope you enjoy looking at my website. You will find an eclectic range of work as I enjoy working with materials I have at hand, much of which is recycled or reused.
My work is available to buy direct from my studio and this shop. I am happy to take commissions for bespoke art and design work. I love to get visitors but if you are coming any distance please call 07941 784207 first.